Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, Funday...

[WARNING: Lots of pics in this post!]
Thursday morning I was off from work and miss A wanted to "mix" something for breakfast so we made wildberry muffins!

First, we measured the milk and then my beautiful assistant added the milk to the muffin mix.

Next step: Mix, mix, mix! Except this was really the hardest part to control because you're not actually supposed to mix this stuff too much, just until moistened. That's very difficult to explain to a 2yr old mixing queen.

Then, of course we had to transfer the mix to the pan. That was another tricky part because she really wanted to help but the kitchen was already such a mess I could hardly stand it. [Yes, I know I'm not in the running for the Mom of the Year award]
I've used the silicone mold before for making chocolates but this was our first time for baking.

The end result was ok. A litte tricky to get them out while holding their Christmasy shape but we didn't mind. The part I was not fond of was that I felt like the muffins tasted like they were baked in a silicone pan. Yuck. Could just be my super sensitive pregnancy taste buds but we may just be sticking to chocolates in the silicone molds from now on, just in case.

My helper certainly didn't seem to detect any unpleasant taste. She gobbled down a Christmas tree, a stocking, and I think another Christmas tree after that.

After breakfast we played for a while. We were supposed to get together with our friends Brittany & Talon today but B had a headache so we improvised new plans. Since we don't get to see GG as much as we'd like, we called her to see if she wanted to meet up later for lunch. I had a few errands to run, too, so we got dressed and headed out. I've been needing to drop off my glasses at LensCrafters to get my scratched lens repaired so we took care of that first. You know, it is really distracting when there's a giant gash in front of everything you see! Thankfully when I bought my glasses I purchased the insurance stuff because it only cost me $18.25 to get my (fancy transistion) glasses fixed! Woot! After that stop we met GG at Olive Garden for a bite to eat. My girl was hungry and she was loving her "noodles"!

After our delicious lunch we ran back to the mall to return some clothes at Old Navy, then back to LensCrafters to pick up my spectacles. Of course, there is a play area next to LC so my little lady had to go burn off some energy for a while. She actually did a great job playing with the other kids in there. I was amazed by how well they all seemed to share and take turns. Go kids!

A while later I was ready for something sweet after the salty lunch so we stopped by Starbucks and got some cake-pops and drinks.

Judge me if you must but these things are how we make it through many shopping trips to the mall and/or Target.

All of that took longer than planned though so we had to hurry to make one last stop at Hallmark to look for an Elf on the Shelf. Luckily they had just gotten a new shipment in so we were able to proceed with the adoption! (More on this in future posts?) Auria has no idea what the elf means --neither do I yet, for that matter -- but she loved that she got to carry the big box up to the counter and we brought it home with us.

My poor little partner was so worn out from all the fun, she fell asleep before we even made it out of the mall parking lot. And thank goodness because she needed a nap!

I absolutely love these kinds of days when I get to just spend the whole day with her, exploring the world, having fun together! Especially since soon enough it will be far more difficult to hop in and out of the car, bouncing from store to store with TWO little girls. I try hard to savor each moment with my daughter anyway, but it seems even more important now that we are approximately 17 weeks away from being a family of four. Whoa! Still trying to wrap my head around that.

Anyway, another day of sweer memories. And yay for documenting it so I can enjoy it again a year or so from now :) Thanks blog.

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