Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Green Means Go (and other stuff). #23weeks

We used to have a DVD player in the car, but it was within kicking distance so it is no longer functioning. I'm totally fine with that because I like for A to be able to check out the scenes of the world as we ride from place to place. Anyway, since the DVD players demise she's found a few games she likes to play such as "Big Trucks", where she points out every big truck she sees as we drive down the highway. Another recent favorite it "Green Means Go", which consists of A looking out for every traffic light and making sure the light is green so we can "Go!". When they're red she yells "Stop, Momma!" and then we wait until it turns green again, at which point she will proudly announce "Greeeeeen... means go!".

Today we played this game on the way home from work and she was so disappointed when she asked if there were more lights ahead and I told her there were no more. She hung her head down and said "Mommy, I'm sad...". It was so hard not to laugh at her. I mean, really, most of us adults love bypassing traffic lights (especially on Bardstown Road near the afternoon rush-hour), but not my sweet girl. For her it simply meant an end, far too soon, to her favorite game. But never fear, Mommy to the rescue! We made up a new game today - "Find the Stop Signs"! I bet you can guess how that game works. the new game is no replacement for "Green Means Go" but it was a good enough distraction to lift her spirits.

When we got home, Daddy was already here and we decided today was a good day to get out and knock out a bit more of our Christmas shopping. (We're getting closer but still not completely finished yet... ack.) It's kids eat free night at Mark's Feed Store so we decided to eat out and then head to good ole Target after that. This girl refuses to eat any kind of meat (which is ironic since I was a vegetarian before I got pregnant with her and once I got over my morning sickness I craved --and I mean CRAVED = had. to. have.-- Arby's roast beef sandwiches) so we usually just get her a couple of veggies for her to eat. Mark's got rid of the veggie plate on the kids menu though so we ordered a PB&J with green beans, and an extra side of corn. We figured Daddy would eat the PBJ after he polished off his fish sandwich. Apparently A was a very hungry girl because she ate every last kernel of corn on her plate, most of the green beans, and she even tried her sandwich... which she went on to eat half of! I bring you... baby's toddler's first PBJ experience.
[Get that PBJ, girl!]
We've tried to get her to try them before but she didn't trust us but today she was feeling adventurous I guess and she loved it. I think she would have eaten the whole thing if Daddy & I hadn't already eaten the other quarters. Anyway, I was super proud of my girl for eating her dinner so well, she got a little treat for dessert as we wandered through Target.

Going back to yesterday...
We had our monthly visit with our midwife to check on baby W. We talked about my fears/anxieties/thoughts/wishes/hopes/etc about this pregnancy, labor. It was a nice little counseling session. I'm realizing that there are a lot of things my tiny little brain is trying hard to process. Between the difference of our hospital birth experience (you can read the short and sweet version of A's birth here) vs. our plans for a home/water birth this time, the reality of welcoming the fourth member of our family, the adjustment of A going from only child to big sister, etc. It's a lot to think about. Just the way our whole lives changed when A arrived, it's going to happen again. In wonderful ways of course, but it's still hard to imagine all of the details. How will it all work out? I know it will work out just fine but the planner in me is desperate for a few certainties to envision.

Baby W measured right on track with our EDD and her heartbeat was strong in the 150-160's. I wish I'd had my phone on me while the midwife was getting the heartbeat on the doppler because A's face was precious when she heard the thumpity-thump. She got so excited and said "Way-ly!"... a precious moment I will keep locked away in my memory bank. It's always wonderful to get the reassurance that baby girl is doing well and growing as she should. And hearing her the heartbeat never gets old :)

Oh, and I've been really bad at taking belly pics this time. I'm glad I did last time because it's fun to look back, and I meant to be all cute and Pintrest-y with it this time but live just has not permitted the time for such creativity. So here's a shot a snapped between showering and the midwife appointment yesterday:
[almost 23 weeks]
Bless my sweet friends on Instagram for leaving nice comments on this picture but I feel frumpy and huge... already. It's all for a great cause, of course, but I'm certainly not feeling a pregnancy glow.

Ok, so that's enough recap. I have to join in on the night-time ritual before my princess falls asleep without a kiss from Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Our car dvd player kicked the bucket and then the second one's cord's wires got all weird. Now I hear "big tuck" and "big bus" and "christmas lights" every second. BUT I love it! We like to count cars too!
    And you look adorable btw! I can imagine all of the thoughts going on in your head right now. I'm super excited for your family and I watched the Business of Being Born the other day and I thin k you will rock a home water birth!


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