Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby W - 22 weeks down...

Well obviously I haven't been doing well keeping up with this blog like I planned but I'm really going to make more effort because I love having the memories to look back on from my pregnancy with Auria and I know future me would appreciate the same for baby W!

So we're 22 weeks in and it's funny how much I'd forgotten about life in the second trimester. Looking back at a blog entry from when I was about this far along with A though, it seems like everything is pretty much the same. It's funny how many similarities there are between my two girls already. From my pregnancy cravings/aversions to the way they move in my belly. It's going to be such an interesting thing to see from the outside ;)

On that note... I'm constantly trying to wrap my little brain around what life will possibly be like once miss W arrives. Just the same way that I couldn't really comprehend how things would be before A joined us, I cannot fathom how things will be when we have TWO little girls to chase after! How will I find enough time to show them both the love and attention they deserve? How will I ever have time to shower?! Will I ever sleep again? Will Auria love being a big sister or hate sharing Momma & Dadda? Am I still going to work part time or will we find a way for me to stay home with the girls? Will this house ever be clean? I guess it's just one of those things in life that we'll figure it out as we go but some days the uncertainty is overwhelming.

I already find myself having a hard time balancing spending time with Auria and focusing on the new life growing inside me. These are the final months of Auria's life as an only child. But these are also precious moments for me with baby W - cherishing our special bond that no one else can see of feel or ever know.

And then there's the rest of life. My part time job, teaching childbirth classes, trying not to drown in our finances, my constant struggle to keep the house "clean"
(or at least clean enough), figuring out a new arrangement for the girls' room, clearing out the office for a play room, finding a way to make our basement functional, keeping up with laundry, figuring out what to eat and what to feed Auria several times each day (one of the most difficult jobs EVER), preparing for all of the Christmas festivities ahead.... Oye! Obviously today is one of my more overwhelmed feeling days.

At the end of the day though --even the most hectic day-- I crawl into bed with a loving husband, my precious toddler, and a sweet baby-girl-on-the-way! I am blessed beyond measure!

Until next time....


  1. Yay you blogged! Baby W? Do we have a name? Are we sharing said name? Details lady! I worry about finances too, but if we tried to plan how that all works and comes from we wouldn't have any kids! Ha! It will all work out. And yes feeding a toddler is the most exhausting task EVER!

  2. We have a first name but we haven't settled on a middle just yet. I think I'm going to blog about it ;)

  3. Wow, I understand on being overwhelmed (minus the impending second baby) and how can we do it all?? Seriously, I'm asking because I haven't figured it out and drowning.

    Welcome back to blogging. Someday I'm going to write another post. Congrats on baby W! I saw the name in FB comments. Cute!


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