Friday, July 15, 2011

"Hardcore Hippie"

Well, today I'm taking cloth diapering to the next level. Today, we begin using cloth wipes!

I was too overwhelmed with everything to try them when I started using CD's but now that we have that all established I figured it's time to move on to the next step. I don't anticipate it being a big deal. Pretty much the only difference is that now I'll toss my wipes in the wet bag with the diaper instead of throwing them away in the trash. Hey, it may even make things simpler. When I was purchasing the wipes today at Mama's Hip another CDing momma heard me saying "We'll see how I like it..." and she said, "Oh, you will love it!". I'm sure I will, and it's always nice to have a little encouragement for my like-minded mommas :)

Quick update about my "supply" drama from my last post: Things seem to be getting back to normal. I'm chalking that fiasco up to crazy schedule throwing everything off. Anyway, crisis diverted... for now. Thanks for all of my sweet friends that offered encouragement and support while I was having my freak out! I'm sure I'll be needing it again someday....

That's all for now... I'm off to chase around my busy girl! :)


  1. So glad the supply issue is doing better. You are so brave with the cloth wipes! How do you know how many to buy? I can't imagine ever having enough... Especially on the 6 wiper blowout diaper days! I look forward to your review and update!

  2. I keep checking the comments on this blog post. I want to know how this is going! How many did you buy? How did you make that decision? Do you have to shake them out in your toilet first or do you just put it all in the bag? Do you have to wash with a specific detergent? What is the lifetime expectancy? I know that was question OVERLOAD, but I have never heard of cloth wipes before this post.


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