Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reality is s-l-o-w-l-y sinking in... #28weeks

As much as I feel pregnant it is still hard for me to grasp the fact that in +/- 12 weeks we we have an infant again! When we had a checkup with our midwife last Friday we talked about a lot of things that we still need to do to prepare for baby W's pending arrival. The list was longer than I realized, including things from ordering a birth pool, calling the pediatrician, and even figuring out how we're going to arrange our living space for the first few post-partum days as I "recover". Our midwife also mentioned something about nursing the baby (which of course I'm going to be doing) and as the words were coming out of her mouth it struck me that oh-my-sweetness... I'm going to have a tiny nursling again! It hasn't been so long since my nursing journey with little A came to a close but nursing a toddler is much (MUCH!) different than it is with a teeny, precious, depends-on-you-in-every-way newborn baby. The thought almost gives me butterflies it's so sweet. *Sigh* I just can't wait to hold my sweet Waverly in my arms and see her precious face!

We're also still trying to figure out how we're going to arrange the room or maybe rooms. Clearly, we're still undecided on whether or not we're going to put the girls in the same room or give them each their own. Now, let's be clear, when I say "put the girls in the same room" I just mean have little A's new twin bed and baby W's crib in the same room. We are not realistically planning on them both sleeping in the same room together for quite some time but it would allow my husband to keep his extra space (our "spare bedroom" aka J's closet) to himself a little longer if the twin & crib are in the same room. You'll just have to stay tuned to see what we figure out because as of last night we are still on opposite planets with our thoughts for that configuration.

There are really still so many things to be done and decisions to be made. I'm not too worried about it all though because I know everything will work itself out... somehow. Right now I'm trying to concentrate my thoughts and efforts on making a plan for our budget since I won't be working for several weeks, some meal planning strategies - maybe actually trying some of the frozen meal ideas I've pinned on Pintrest, and getting out A's old baby clothes to see what we think will work for W to wear.

On that note, some people were asking us over the weekend what kinds of things we need for baby W and honestly I have no clue. Since we're having another girl I really don't anticipate that we'll need too much. I mean, W will be born in Spring and A was an Autumn baby so a lot of the clothes probably won't work but we'll still be able to make use of onsies and at least some of the pants and shirts. I'll be breastfeeding and we have a pump from before. We still have a bouncy seat (that's practically unused), a pack-n-play, stroller & infant carseat, two Ergobaby carriers, we still have our cloth diapers plus a few new ones I ordered, and we have blankets, baby bathtub, washclothes, burpcloths, and plenty of toys. The only thing I can really think of that we'll need are a convertible car seat and maybe a double stroller. And my current thoughts on the double stroller are that will probably take more space (and money) than it's worth. We have the good single stroller and I plan to wear W in the Ergo lots like I did with A so I just really think we should wait to make that purchase until we see that we need it. Perhaps when the baby is actually here I will find more things I should have added to my list. I'm sure just as I forgot many details of pregnancy, I'm also forgetting what life is really like with a newborn. Especially with a newborn and a toddler! But again, we can get things as we see they are necessary, right?

Oh, so much to do and each week is flying by. Before I know it I'm going to laugh at the girl writing this blog post who thought she was so busy with one child, hahaha! So with that, I'm gonna wrap this up and continue on living in my ignorant bliss ;)

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