Thursday, January 17, 2013

I forgot about this part...

Whew! I know the mechanics of pregnancy but I had forgotten what it really feels like to be #28weeks pregnant. Right now I'm specifically referring to Braxton-Hicks contractions + squished lungs (+ my poor posture) = hard to breathe. Some other lovely things that I'd forgetten about are the wicked heartburn that especially loves to attack me when I'm trying to go to sleep, the awful back pain that makes my back feel like it's going to break in half, and the constant exhaustion that's creeping back in (but I feel like that's more Auria related, haha). And even though I've been feeling Wavy move around for quite some time now, I guess she's getting bigger now and doesn't have quite as much room so I'm feeling a lot of really sharp pokes and punches from boney body parts! It feels sooooo weird. Amazingly cool, but weird.

This girl doesn't seem to be as busy as her big sister was so we'll see how that translates when she's on the outside. I cannot imagine a child being more wiggly that miss A but people have told me don't be surprised. Others say that this girl may be more relaxed and laid back since she seems to be now. I guess only time will tell. Lord help me though if this one is crawling and walking even sooner that her big sis though. Auria did everything way too early as it was. I need at least a few months before I have to mobile children to chase after! At least I should lose weight quickly, eh?

So speaking of my wiggly one -- look how cute as sweet she is when she's sleeping :)
Oh gosh, I just love her so much!

Today, after having lunch (with Pop-Pop, GG, Aunt A, & Uncle Rick!) Auria and I stopped in Target to check out big girl bedding. We're trying to find something that matches her room colors now so we don't have to paint again but her room is red, black, and white so it's not so easy. Anyway, while we were there I had to swing by the baby clothes just to look at the adorable, teeny newborn outfits (is she really going to be that small?!?) and they had a couple of mini dolls and stuffed animals. Auria was checking them out and picked one for "Waely".
My sweet Auria was so excited to get something for her sissy. I love that, although her comprehension is limited, she gets so excited when we talk about her sister and she really does like to do nice things for her. Lately I've been trying to explain to her that when Waverly comes that she'll have a seat in the back seat, too. Now when we get in the car she points to each seat and annouces who it belongs to... "Mommy's seat. Daddy's seat. Auria's seat. Waely's seat, out Mommy's belly.". :) She's going to be already the best big sister!

Last thing before I sign off for today -- I know no one else cares to see my bare-belly pics but this is my pregnancy journal of sorts so too bad for you :p

I'm so excited to meet this sweet girl. To see what/who she's going to look like. To find out if her personality will match the child I think I know now (her sister was exactly like I thought she would be!). To find out how it's possible to have enough love to go around. To smell her sweet, breastfed, newborn baby smell. To hold her in my arms and kiss her sweet little face. Oh, I just can hardly wait another 3 months!

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