Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not ready...

WARNING: This blog is about breastfeeding so if you don't want to see any details about my milk production I suggest you skip this blog.

Just a few weeks ago a friend was asking me how much longer I'm planning to breastfeed my baby girl and I confidently answered, "My goal is at least a year but if something happens sooner I'm not going to fight it - we've had a great run.". Well, turns out, I changed my mind.

Unexpectedly today I'm producing about 1/3 of the milk I typically do. There is no obvious reason for this drastic change and I'm kind of freaking out. Auria's diet is still about 75% mommas milk... what will I do if tomorrow I'm not producing anything?! I'm not ready for this! All I want to do is cry :(

It's true that our 8.5 month's of this has been a great run but now that it could very well be coming to a screeching halt, I'm realizing that it's just not enough. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself and there isn't anything to worry about. Maybe it's just because our schedules have been so far from the norm the past several days and my body is just trying to figure out what's going on. I really hope that's the case.

I'm having flashbacks to Auria's first several weeks when we struggled with low production and my feelings of inadequacy... I know there could be far worse things than this but I'm just really not prepared for this to happen now/so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your body is adjusting to Auria not needing as much breast milk and needing more solids. Kendall only gets breast milk 4 times a day via pumping & nursing. As soon as she wakes up, late morning, early afternoon and right before bed. I go anywhere from 4-6 hours between sessions sometimes and I've noticed a significant decrease from what I was producing.
    Whether it's tommorrow, her first birthday or 18 months it's going to be hard to stop. :(


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